Showing posts with label prince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prince. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Royal Changelings

While discussing the possibilities and impossibilities of exchanging Royal offspring and heirs in times of turmoil is amusing, it doesn't bring you much further in search for the truth. What you accept as possible is your point of view and so called proofs usually are pretty flimsy. Looking at the usual suspects, though, might give you some new ideas as to whether it should or could have been done or not.

Louis Charles and Marie-Therese

Friday, June 21, 2013

Town of Embroidery: St Gallen

The Swiss city of St Gallen is linked with high quality embroideries used by leading fashion designers around the world. It is also a beautiful town with a long history and a picturesque historic city center. At its very center stands the magnificent monastery dedicated to St Gall with its baroque cathedral and UNESCO World Heritage library.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Christina, the Female King of Sweden

Christina of Sweden was five when her father King Gustav II Adolf fell in the battle of Lützen. Upon his death, her mother Queen Maria Eleonora was put under house arrest and exiled to castle Gripshom. On the express wish of the king, Christina was raised and trained as a prince and not a princess. At 16, she declined to co-rule with a regency council; instead she took full control at 18 when coming of age.